Thursday, December 15, 2005


True story. I'm walking down the road, trying to find that happy medium between the muddy shoulder and getting run over. So one foot is muddy, and the other is four inches higher and on asphalt. The whole time, I keep thinking to myself, "Dangit, dangit, dangit". And then I wonder, why the heck am I using standins for expletives? What the heck is wrong with me, even my internal monologue is PG.


Anonymous said...

I suspect it's due to your proximity to New England. Such family-friendly internal dialog would never occur if you'd stayed out on the West Coast. Instead you'd just think, "Duuuuude..." a lot more.

Eric said...

You must not watch the sopranos much. New Fucking Jersey is just next door. PhilaFuckingdelphians also fucking swear a shitload.