Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Pretty: Trees

"You were cold, were you? Can you tell me where you dreamt you were? Indoors or outdoors?"

"Both, I think. Or neither. It was an enclosed garden or patio, surrounded on all sides by columns, with a fountain in the center. I remember running water, maybe a fountain, but I did not look for it. I spent most of the dream trying to climb a tree."

"Was it day or night?"

"Night, I could see by moonlight and starlight, but the sun was down."

"Do you remember what kind of tree it was?" Details were important to whomever had created the Dream Record Protocol.

"The tall kind. Tall and straight, and the branches were out of my reach. Don't you want to hear about why I was climbing the tree?"

"If you think it is important, Leah." It wasn't important, on that the Protocol was clear. The features of the dream were crucial, the dreamer herself unimportant. The Doctor pretended to take notes as he struggled to remember: how many times had Leah dreamt about a tree? He couldn't remember. He would consult the Files.


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